September 29, 2017
The H-BC October Newsletter has been put on the school website. Follow the link to read about what is going on in October at Hills-Beaver Creek. October Newsletter - Click Her...

September 26, 2017
Here is a link to order Team Jackson T-Shirts...Order due by 10/2 will be available by 10/14 benefit. ORDER FORM

September 23, 2017
Parents: If you did not receive an email from the secondary school this morning 9/22/2017, please call 507-962-3240 x10 or email Starla Scholten . We are in the process of using...

September 22, 2017
Below you will wind a link for the Parent Connection for September 22. Reminder that the inflatable location has been changed to the city park after the parade. Flag football will...

September 21, 2017
The flu shot will be given on October 17. See links below for more information and the consent form. 2017_School_Flu_Shot_Clinic_Cover_letter_HBC-3 http://5il.co/1yf2 ...

September 16, 2017
Below you will find a link for the Parent Connection for September 15. Reminder to Elementary parents that next week is homecoming and the activities for the week are listed in th...

September 15, 2017
IMPORTANT…BUS INFORMATION…FOR THOSE RIDERS OF BUS #10 AND #16 We had to do some adjusting to bus 10 and 16 routes. Those families with riders on bus 10 and 16 that were direc...

September 15, 2017
Juniors are selling magazine subscriptions until Sept 26 to raise money for the 2018 Prom.
Juniors are also gratefully accepting donations for this event. (please ask for a r...

September 13, 2017
Support the HBC Golf team by purchasing your softener salt from them! The sales have begun and need to be ordered by October 9. The salt will be available on October 14.

September 8, 2017
Here are the links to this week's H-BC Elementary and Secondary Bulletins....Thanks for reading!
HBC Elementary Parent Connection Link 09.08.2017
Secondary S...

September 8, 2017
Today is the final day to log minutes in the summer elementary Reading Challenge. Follow the link below to log minutes for your summer reading. If you used a paper reading log, pl...

September 7, 2017
2017 HBC Homecoming Royalty Candidates and Attendants
Coronation-Monday, September 18--7 pm at Jr./Sr. High School (301 N Summit) Homecoming parade 2 pm Friday, September 22...

August 28, 2017
The September district newsletter has been posted. Follow the link to learn more about the first month of the upcoming school year. Have a great week! September 2017 Newsletter ...
August 23, 2017
Here is the JMC Parent Link for filling out Back to School Packet online: https://goo.gl/sAfZbz
August 17, 2017
Back to School Packets are available! Students with Beaver Creek, Luverne, Valley Springs, Garretson addresses may pickup packet at the elementary school in Beaver Creek. Studen...

August 16, 2017
Back to School Packets are available! Students with Beaver Creek, Luverne, Valley Springs, Garretson addresses may pickup packet at the elementary school in Bea...
August 7, 2017
Mark your calendar! H-BC Jr./Sr. High Open House runs from 5:30-7:30 on Wednesday, August 30th.

May 2, 2017
Greetings to all Hills-Beaver Creek School District Residents:
Incredible gift! Webster’s Dictionary defines gift as a notable capacity, talent, or endowment. Hills-Beave...