
H-BC Elementary Parent Connection

Friday, December 13, 2019

We are in our final week prior to a bit of a break from school.  It's looking as though the weather next week is going to dip into  a colder pattern.  Please assist your child in dressing for their safety and the colder weather that we experience this time of year. 

K-1 and 2-3 Grades Basketball:   Community Education Basketball Forms can be found here for our K-1 students and here for 2-3 students Saturday Basketball Camp.  Mr. VanWyhe will be directing the camps.  Please make sure to register by Friday, January 3, 2020.  Registration paper forms have been sent home with students. 

2nd Grade Pizza: Kinley Leuthold purchased a pizza lunch for the 2nd grade students with her pride points.  The whole 2nd grade class will enjoy a pizza lunch on Thursday, December 19 during their lunchtime.  

12:45 Dismissal: Remember on Friday, December 20 H-BC Elementary will be having a 12:45 Dismissal.  

Bullying Message:  Tim Weidenbach will be coming to share an anti-bullying message on Thursday, December 19th. He will share his message with H-BC Elementary students beginning at 1:30.

Movies at the Elementary:  During the school day, K-2 Students will view the mvoie Dr. Seuss' the Grinch and Grades 3-5 will watch The Christmas Chronicles on Friday, December 20. Also, students will participate in PA Bingo to kick off the day.  Bingo winners will enjoy a treat upon getting Bingo.   

Break:  HBC Elementary does not have school 12/23/2019 through Wednesday, January 1, 2020

 Bullying Reporting Form-- Here is the link for reporting bullying.  https://bit.ly/2lN4lvc

 Other Items:

•   Friday, December 20-- 12:45 Dismissal

•   No School for students from 12/23-Wednesday, January 1, 2020.  Hope everyone has a great break!

•  School back in session Thursday, January 2, 2020

Mr. Holthaus

HBC Elementary Principal

507-673-2541 ext 11